Are you are smoker? I guess you want to quit smoking because
you’re reading this article right now? I’ll soon show you the easy way
to do it, but I want you to ask yourself why haven’t you already quit smoking?
Because it’s so hard, right? Where ever you go, your fellow smokers
keep saying you “I’ve tried to quit but it’s just so hard”. And you bought that!
Let me tell you the fact of it: Smoking is only a mental game.
I don’t buy the explanation that nicotine keeps you smoking!
It doesn’t! Nicotine is only your excuse to keep lighting up a cigarette after another.
You blame nicotine for your smoking! That’s most ridiculous thing
I’ve ever heard! You know, with nicotine replacement product’s
success rate is less than 25%! (And after one year, success rate is even smaller!)
That’s how much nicotine has to do with this!
Let me tell you: It’s only mental!
So, you want to learn how to quit smoking the easy way?
Take full responsibility of your smoking. You don’t need to blame yourself,
just take full responsibility!
Say to yourself “This is my smoking and I can do whatever I want with it!”
If you find your fellow smokers saying “Yeah, but it’s hard to quit”,
don’t listen to them! This decision is not between you and them…
it’s only your decision and you can decide to quit smoking the easy way!
All you have to do is say to yourself “its easiest thing in the world to quit smoking!”
and never believe anyone who says the opposite!
Your smoking can be history in matter of hours! Stopping is easier than you think!
for more information CLICK HERE
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Do You Find Smoking Enjoyable
From my own experience I discovered that I hate smoking.
I hate the way it makes me feel, I hate what it is doing to my body,
I hate the fact that I feel guilty for doing it, I hate that I need to plan
my daily tasks around my next cigarette, and I really hate that I failed
so many times to quit smoking.
Quitting smoking for me was much more than a desire it was a curse.
I struggled time and time again to give up the addiction that was slowly
draining me of life. I wanted to quit smoking so badly I thought there was
nothing that could keep me from doing it. Each time I quit I found myself at
the local gas station buying a pack of cigarettes merely to quiet the nicotine
withdrawals I was encountering. Day after day I would do this.
I would smoke what I had then I would quit again only to go through
the whole process again.
The continued failure to quit smoking began to wear me down to the point
I thought the only way I was going to be able to quit was to get bad news from
my doctor that I had cancer. The thought of not being able to see my baby girl
grow up depressed me even more. I wanted to quit smoking so badly,
if not for me for her. So why was I having such a difficult time quitting?
Then finally after several attempts to quit I was actually able to make it
through one day, then two, and so on. I was so excited and shocked that I
was able to quit smoking. I guess the moral of the story is to not let go of your
desire to quit smoking. If you get knocked off your horse get right back on and
try it again. By being persistent I was able to quit smoking and rid myself
of the addiction that was controlling my life.
To learn how i quit smokig,CLICK HERE for more information.
I hate the way it makes me feel, I hate what it is doing to my body,
I hate the fact that I feel guilty for doing it, I hate that I need to plan
my daily tasks around my next cigarette, and I really hate that I failed
so many times to quit smoking.
Quitting smoking for me was much more than a desire it was a curse.
I struggled time and time again to give up the addiction that was slowly
draining me of life. I wanted to quit smoking so badly I thought there was
nothing that could keep me from doing it. Each time I quit I found myself at
the local gas station buying a pack of cigarettes merely to quiet the nicotine
withdrawals I was encountering. Day after day I would do this.
I would smoke what I had then I would quit again only to go through
the whole process again.
The continued failure to quit smoking began to wear me down to the point
I thought the only way I was going to be able to quit was to get bad news from
my doctor that I had cancer. The thought of not being able to see my baby girl
grow up depressed me even more. I wanted to quit smoking so badly,
if not for me for her. So why was I having such a difficult time quitting?
Then finally after several attempts to quit I was actually able to make it
through one day, then two, and so on. I was so excited and shocked that I
was able to quit smoking. I guess the moral of the story is to not let go of your
desire to quit smoking. If you get knocked off your horse get right back on and
try it again. By being persistent I was able to quit smoking and rid myself
of the addiction that was controlling my life.
To learn how i quit smokig,CLICK HERE for more information.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Focus On Quitting Smoking
In 1999 Hatsukami, D. Mooney wrote an article,“Pharmacological and Behavioral
Strategies for Smoking Cessation”,that stated, “the more intensively you focus
on quitting smoking, the higher your odds of quitting.” Could this be true?
Merely by focusing on quitting smoking isn’t really quitting smoking so how
could it increase your odds of quitting? As I contemplated this and reflected on the
last time I quit smoking I discovered that what Mooney stated carries a lot of weight.
It also occurred to me that focusing on quitting smoking was one of the top
reasons why I was able to quit smoking when I did. The more I thought about it I saw just how much I was focusing on quitting smoking months before I even quit. It started out with simply searching the Internet on smoking and methods to quit smoking. Considering what would work best for me.
I even tried a couple products that claimed to help people quit smoking
only to fail, no fault of the product I just wasn’t ready. This only fueled
my passion to quit smoking. Next, I started to look into the many health risks
of smoking and the benefits of quitting. I was excited to see that much of the damage
I have been doing to my body all these years was for the most part repairable.
And that there were immediate benefits of quitting smoking and that millions of people have successfully quit smoking.
For two months before I actually quit smoking I focused intently on quitting.
I look back and remember the pamphlets, brochures, websites, and forums.
I thought about quitting smoking every time I had a cigarette. I felt I was
always thinking about smoking and looking for information on how to quit.
I was mentally priming myself to actually quit smoking and by focusing on
it daily even though I had not quit was instrumental on the day I actually quit.
If you are considering quitting smoking, I would suggest you do the same thing,
focus on quitting. Surround yourself with literature and visit informational websites.
This helps on focusing to quit smoking,i tried all these and it worked.
Jeffrey Morgan
Do you urgently want to How To Quit Smoking Quickly And Easily,CLICK HERE
Strategies for Smoking Cessation”,that stated, “the more intensively you focus
on quitting smoking, the higher your odds of quitting.” Could this be true?
Merely by focusing on quitting smoking isn’t really quitting smoking so how
could it increase your odds of quitting? As I contemplated this and reflected on the
last time I quit smoking I discovered that what Mooney stated carries a lot of weight.
It also occurred to me that focusing on quitting smoking was one of the top
reasons why I was able to quit smoking when I did. The more I thought about it I saw just how much I was focusing on quitting smoking months before I even quit. It started out with simply searching the Internet on smoking and methods to quit smoking. Considering what would work best for me.
I even tried a couple products that claimed to help people quit smoking
only to fail, no fault of the product I just wasn’t ready. This only fueled
my passion to quit smoking. Next, I started to look into the many health risks
of smoking and the benefits of quitting. I was excited to see that much of the damage
I have been doing to my body all these years was for the most part repairable.
And that there were immediate benefits of quitting smoking and that millions of people have successfully quit smoking.
For two months before I actually quit smoking I focused intently on quitting.
I look back and remember the pamphlets, brochures, websites, and forums.
I thought about quitting smoking every time I had a cigarette. I felt I was
always thinking about smoking and looking for information on how to quit.
I was mentally priming myself to actually quit smoking and by focusing on
it daily even though I had not quit was instrumental on the day I actually quit.
If you are considering quitting smoking, I would suggest you do the same thing,
focus on quitting. Surround yourself with literature and visit informational websites.
This helps on focusing to quit smoking,i tried all these and it worked.
Jeffrey Morgan
Do you urgently want to How To Quit Smoking Quickly And Easily,CLICK HERE
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Best Day To Quit Smoking - When Is It?
So I was at school the other day, and a couple of friends were conversing about smoking addiction and how to quit smoking. We were debating what the best day to quit smoking is in general. After much thought we came to a mutual conclusion.
When you're addicted to smoking and you want to quit smoking you look for miraculous ways to take away your addiction. People will tell you that you should quit smoking as soon as possible, and hey, if they are your friends then obviously they will tell you that, they are only looking out for you.
But what your friends don't realize is that when you're addicted to smoking you can't just flat out quit that same day. Your body has adapted to the cigarettes you've been feeding it and really likes it. In order to quit you have to pick a time when you will and stay smoke free for a give amount of time.
The secret to quitting smoking is that when you decide, "hey I don't like smoking but the cravings....the cravings.." you have taken that first step. When you are at this point, consider trying this technique to quit your smoking habits. Smoke until you no longer have cravings for that day. Then the next day is the best day to quit smoking, that's when you strike, take the opportunity and refrain from smoking another cigarette for as long as possible.
The idea is that the longer you stay without smoking a cigarette, the better you will succeed at quitting smoking. In general, once you have been smoke-free for 2-3 months you have done it, you've quit smoking. Just be persistent, smoke up for one day, then the next day decide to follow through and take action; no more smoking!
To find out more about how I quit smoking be sure to Click Here to quit smoking today!
When you're addicted to smoking and you want to quit smoking you look for miraculous ways to take away your addiction. People will tell you that you should quit smoking as soon as possible, and hey, if they are your friends then obviously they will tell you that, they are only looking out for you.
But what your friends don't realize is that when you're addicted to smoking you can't just flat out quit that same day. Your body has adapted to the cigarettes you've been feeding it and really likes it. In order to quit you have to pick a time when you will and stay smoke free for a give amount of time.
The secret to quitting smoking is that when you decide, "hey I don't like smoking but the cravings....the cravings.." you have taken that first step. When you are at this point, consider trying this technique to quit your smoking habits. Smoke until you no longer have cravings for that day. Then the next day is the best day to quit smoking, that's when you strike, take the opportunity and refrain from smoking another cigarette for as long as possible.
The idea is that the longer you stay without smoking a cigarette, the better you will succeed at quitting smoking. In general, once you have been smoke-free for 2-3 months you have done it, you've quit smoking. Just be persistent, smoke up for one day, then the next day decide to follow through and take action; no more smoking!
To find out more about how I quit smoking be sure to Click Here to quit smoking today!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Quit Smoking Symptoms - Learn How to Prepare For Quitting
Quit Smoking Symptoms - Learn How to Prepare For Quitting
Quitting smoking is a major moment for any smoker who wants to finally be free of their addiction. Discover in this article exactly what to expect when you quit.
For most people, giving up smoking is going to be a difficult process. Without the cigarettes that you normally puff, you can expect to feel a whole range of symptoms. By arming yourself with knowledge of what to expect, you can increase your chances of beating the addiction.
This is the most common symptom and actually describes a whole range of symptoms. Because you have come to rely on cigarettes, if you take them away then you will still crave them. It will become hard to do any normal task.
For instance, you may find it hard to concentrate at work for the first few days after stopping smoking. You may find yourself getting distracted or not being able to focus. Many people say that distractions work well so try to vary your work. Other people say that having something to hold or suck on like a pen, toothpick or imitation cigarette can work for them.
Poor Sleep
Smoking actually affects your sleep too, so the whole time you are a smoker then you are not getting the most efficient sleep possible. But immediately after quitting, many people find that the irritability prevents them from sleeping. It is said that a distraction such as a quiet TV or radio can help to drift off. I would recommend that if you are having this particular quit smoking symptom that you should try doing some exercise in the afternoon. Your body will be crying out for some rest after the physical activity and you should drift off to sleep easily.
Some smokers complain of a headache after quitting smoking. Why this only affects some people and not others is not so clear. The best thing to do in this case is to take a pain reliever like paracetamol/acetaminophen (commonly Panadol or Tylenol) or an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. The headaches should disappear within a few days of quitting.
Some people may even have withdrawal symptoms that are similar to those quitting hard drugs like heroin or crack. They will experience cold sweats and jitters. In these cases, bed rest is the best course of action. The symptoms should definitely pass within a day or two.
Is There A Way To Avoid These Symptoms?
Not everyone who quits smoking will get these symptoms. There are a minority of people who shun the popular willpower and cravings-focussed approach and instead use a method that does not require any willpower at all. This method is best described as being a cross between cognitive behavioural therapy and neurolinguistic programming.
I used to smoke 25 cigarettes a day but stopped 8 years ago using a no-willpower method. If you want to discover how you can quit using the same method click here
Quitting smoking is a major moment for any smoker who wants to finally be free of their addiction. Discover in this article exactly what to expect when you quit.
For most people, giving up smoking is going to be a difficult process. Without the cigarettes that you normally puff, you can expect to feel a whole range of symptoms. By arming yourself with knowledge of what to expect, you can increase your chances of beating the addiction.
This is the most common symptom and actually describes a whole range of symptoms. Because you have come to rely on cigarettes, if you take them away then you will still crave them. It will become hard to do any normal task.
For instance, you may find it hard to concentrate at work for the first few days after stopping smoking. You may find yourself getting distracted or not being able to focus. Many people say that distractions work well so try to vary your work. Other people say that having something to hold or suck on like a pen, toothpick or imitation cigarette can work for them.
Poor Sleep
Smoking actually affects your sleep too, so the whole time you are a smoker then you are not getting the most efficient sleep possible. But immediately after quitting, many people find that the irritability prevents them from sleeping. It is said that a distraction such as a quiet TV or radio can help to drift off. I would recommend that if you are having this particular quit smoking symptom that you should try doing some exercise in the afternoon. Your body will be crying out for some rest after the physical activity and you should drift off to sleep easily.
Some smokers complain of a headache after quitting smoking. Why this only affects some people and not others is not so clear. The best thing to do in this case is to take a pain reliever like paracetamol/acetaminophen (commonly Panadol or Tylenol) or an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. The headaches should disappear within a few days of quitting.
Some people may even have withdrawal symptoms that are similar to those quitting hard drugs like heroin or crack. They will experience cold sweats and jitters. In these cases, bed rest is the best course of action. The symptoms should definitely pass within a day or two.
Is There A Way To Avoid These Symptoms?
Not everyone who quits smoking will get these symptoms. There are a minority of people who shun the popular willpower and cravings-focussed approach and instead use a method that does not require any willpower at all. This method is best described as being a cross between cognitive behavioural therapy and neurolinguistic programming.
I used to smoke 25 cigarettes a day but stopped 8 years ago using a no-willpower method. If you want to discover how you can quit using the same method click here
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Desire To Quit Smoking
Desire to Quit Smoking By []Jason D
It is important to not confuse the word desire with willpower.
Desire is merely the wanting or longing for something while
willpower addresses self-control. The desire to quit smoking
is a verb while having the willpower to quit smoking is a noun.
Quit smoking tip #1 directly addresses the desire to quit smoking.
By having the desire to quit smoking you can begin your journey
to a smoke free healthier life. We all desire things,
some are far more out of reach than others.
When you have the desire to quit smoking rest assured
this is a desire that can be acted upon and satisfied.
By having the desire to quit smoking you can then take
the next step along with any subsequent steps that lead
you down the road to a smoke free life.
The desire for things typically have to do with things
that are lacking from our own lives or the lives of ones we love.
In this case you are trying to give up a habit that is controlling
and damaging your body to the extent where it could possibly
shorten your life dramatically.
Don’t get discouraged if you are not quite ready to quit smoking.
Quitting smoking is a major life decision and even though
it should be done as soon as possible it should not be more
stressful than it already is.
Feed that desire to quit smoking and begin educating yourself
on various methods to quit smoking. Don’t let go of what you want,
each day take one step closer to living a healthier smoke free life.
Jason D is an ex-smoker and publisher of a []Quit Smoking Tips website. Click here for more information on the
[]Easy Way to Quit Smoking.
Article Source:
It is important to not confuse the word desire with willpower.
Desire is merely the wanting or longing for something while
willpower addresses self-control. The desire to quit smoking
is a verb while having the willpower to quit smoking is a noun.
Quit smoking tip #1 directly addresses the desire to quit smoking.
By having the desire to quit smoking you can begin your journey
to a smoke free healthier life. We all desire things,
some are far more out of reach than others.
When you have the desire to quit smoking rest assured
this is a desire that can be acted upon and satisfied.
By having the desire to quit smoking you can then take
the next step along with any subsequent steps that lead
you down the road to a smoke free life.
The desire for things typically have to do with things
that are lacking from our own lives or the lives of ones we love.
In this case you are trying to give up a habit that is controlling
and damaging your body to the extent where it could possibly
shorten your life dramatically.
Don’t get discouraged if you are not quite ready to quit smoking.
Quitting smoking is a major life decision and even though
it should be done as soon as possible it should not be more
stressful than it already is.
Feed that desire to quit smoking and begin educating yourself
on various methods to quit smoking. Don’t let go of what you want,
each day take one step closer to living a healthier smoke free life.
Jason D is an ex-smoker and publisher of a []Quit Smoking Tips website. Click here for more information on the
[]Easy Way to Quit Smoking.
Article Source:
Friday, June 27, 2008
Welcome To my Blog
I'm glad to welcome you to my new blog.
I created this blog with only one aim in mind.That is to provide you with quality
information on how you can quit smoking quickly and easily forever.
Information you will hardly find anywhere else.
I will be dishing them out every single day,so make sure you regularly check back.
See ya!
Jeffrey Morgan
I created this blog with only one aim in mind.That is to provide you with quality
information on how you can quit smoking quickly and easily forever.
Information you will hardly find anywhere else.
I will be dishing them out every single day,so make sure you regularly check back.
See ya!
Jeffrey Morgan
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