Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Quit Smoking Symptoms - Learn How to Prepare For Quitting

Quit Smoking Symptoms - Learn How to Prepare For Quitting

Quitting smoking is a major moment for any smoker who wants to finally be free of their addiction. Discover in this article exactly what to expect when you quit.

For most people, giving up smoking is going to be a difficult process. Without the cigarettes that you normally puff, you can expect to feel a whole range of symptoms. By arming yourself with knowledge of what to expect, you can increase your chances of beating the addiction.


This is the most common symptom and actually describes a whole range of symptoms. Because you have come to rely on cigarettes, if you take them away then you will still crave them. It will become hard to do any normal task.

For instance, you may find it hard to concentrate at work for the first few days after stopping smoking. You may find yourself getting distracted or not being able to focus. Many people say that distractions work well so try to vary your work. Other people say that having something to hold or suck on like a pen, toothpick or imitation cigarette can work for them.

Poor Sleep

Smoking actually affects your sleep too, so the whole time you are a smoker then you are not getting the most efficient sleep possible. But immediately after quitting, many people find that the irritability prevents them from sleeping. It is said that a distraction such as a quiet TV or radio can help to drift off. I would recommend that if you are having this particular quit smoking symptom that you should try doing some exercise in the afternoon. Your body will be crying out for some rest after the physical activity and you should drift off to sleep easily.


Some smokers complain of a headache after quitting smoking. Why this only affects some people and not others is not so clear. The best thing to do in this case is to take a pain reliever like paracetamol/acetaminophen (commonly Panadol or Tylenol) or an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. The headaches should disappear within a few days of quitting.


Some people may even have withdrawal symptoms that are similar to those quitting hard drugs like heroin or crack. They will experience cold sweats and jitters. In these cases, bed rest is the best course of action. The symptoms should definitely pass within a day or two.

Is There A Way To Avoid These Symptoms?

Not everyone who quits smoking will get these symptoms. There are a minority of people who shun the popular willpower and cravings-focussed approach and instead use a method that does not require any willpower at all. This method is best described as being a cross between cognitive behavioural therapy and neurolinguistic programming.

I used to smoke 25 cigarettes a day but stopped 8 years ago using a no-willpower method. If you want to discover how you can quit using the same method click here

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