Saturday, July 19, 2008

How to Quit Smoking - The Easy Way to Do it

Are you are smoker? I guess you want to quit smoking because
you’re reading this article right now? I’ll soon show you the easy way
to do it, but I want you to ask yourself why haven’t you already quit smoking?
Because it’s so hard, right? Where ever you go, your fellow smokers
keep saying you “I’ve tried to quit but it’s just so hard”. And you bought that!

Let me tell you the fact of it: Smoking is only a mental game.
I don’t buy the explanation that nicotine keeps you smoking!
It doesn’t! Nicotine is only your excuse to keep lighting up a cigarette after another.
You blame nicotine for your smoking! That’s most ridiculous thing
I’ve ever heard! You know, with nicotine replacement product’s
success rate is less than 25%! (And after one year, success rate is even smaller!)
That’s how much nicotine has to do with this!

Let me tell you: It’s only mental!

So, you want to learn how to quit smoking the easy way?

Take full responsibility of your smoking. You don’t need to blame yourself,
just take full responsibility!
Say to yourself “This is my smoking and I can do whatever I want with it!”
If you find your fellow smokers saying “Yeah, but it’s hard to quit”,
don’t listen to them! This decision is not between you and them…
it’s only your decision and you can decide to quit smoking the easy way!

All you have to do is say to yourself “its easiest thing in the world to quit smoking!”
and never believe anyone who says the opposite!

Your smoking can be history in matter of hours! Stopping is easier than you think!
for more information CLICK HERE

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